Institute of Theoretical Computer Science Research Conferences
79. Workshop über Algorithmen und Komplexität (Theorietag)

79. Workshop über Algorithmen und Komplexität (Theorietag)

The workshop is aimed at all those interested in research in the field of theoretical computer science. The focus is especially on complexity, algorithms and data structures, as well as parallel and distributed algorithms. Participation in the workshop does not constitute a publication, so both ongoing and completed work can be presented. A declared goal of the workshop is to enable contact between young and senior scientists.

The 79. Workshop on Algorithms and Complexity will take place on Tuesday, the 17th of November 2020 via Zoom™. Organizers are Anselm Haak and Arne Meier from Hanover.

Invited Speaker is Thomas Zeume (University Bochum) with a talk titled "Sketches of Dynamic Complexity".

If you want to contribute a talk, please send title and abstract to Anselm Haak by E-Mail (currently one open slot). The length of each talk will be 30 minutes.

After the talks there will also be election meetings of the GI FGs Algo and KP starting at 16:30.

Download the program (including abstracts)
9:20Gathering in Zoom
9:25Welcome (Arne Meier)
9:30Thomas Zeume: Sketches of Dynamic Complexity (Invited Talk)
10:30Break (15m)
10:45Benjamin Böhm: Understanding the Relative Strength of QBF CDCL Solvers and QBF Resolution
11:15Henning Fernau: Approximating Upper Edge Dominating Set
11:45Lunch Break (1h45m)

Tomohiro Koana: Exploiting c-Closure in Kernelization Algorithms for Graph Problems

14:00Frank Sommer: Computing Dense and Sparse Subgraphs of Weakly Closed Graphs
14:30Break (10m)
14:40Klaus Erich Heeger: Length-Bounded Cuts: Proper Interval Graphs and Structural Parameters
15:10Yasir Mahmood: Parameterised Complexity of Argumentation in Schaefer’s Framework
15:40Break (10m)
15:50Stefan Walzer: Peeling Close to the Orientability Threshold – Spatial Coupling in Hashing-Based Data Structures
16:20Closing (Arne Meier)
16:30Election-Meeting GI-FGs ALGO & KP