Achtung: Leider entfällt der unten genannte Vortrag.
Am Institut für Theoretische Informatik sollte folgender Kolloquiumsvortrag stattfinden:
Prof. Dr. Wojtek Jamroga, Polish Academy of Sciences, spricht zum Thema
Automated Verification of Multi-Agent Systems. Why, What, and Especially: How?
am Mittwoch, dem 28.06.2023 um 16h c.t. in Raum 3408-1611 (Appelstr. 9a, 16. OG, Seminarraum).
Automated verification of discrete-state systems has been a hot topic in
computer science for over 40 years. The idea found its way into AI and
multi-agent systems in early 2000's, and techniques for verification of
such systems have been in constant development since then. Model
checking of temporal, epistemic, and strategic properties is one of the
most prominent and most successful approaches.
In this talk, I present a brief introduction to the topic, and mention
relevant properties that one might like to verify this way. Then, I
describe some very recent results which can potentially lead to
practical solutions. I conclude by a presentation of the experimental
tool for verification of strategic ability, being developed by our
research group at the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Zur Person:
Prof. Dr. Wojtek Jamroga ist Professor im Institute of Computer Science der Polish Academy of Sciences, Warschau, und Research Scientist an der Universität Luxemburg.